Border Sketches

Border Sketches is a collection of suites inspired by the beauty and history of Northumbria. What today comprises North England and South East Scotland, (the Borders') in ancient times was The Kingdom of Northumbria.

The first suite, Paxton House, was composed in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the various restrictions imposed in 2020, I was able to organise small groups that could perform outside.  We performed in Paxton House on August 7th 2020. The size of the group was limited, we had to be outside and socially distanced. What strange days! However, it was a beautiful day and Paxton looked glorious!

Birds of Berwick

This is the second suite of Borders Sketches. It was composed in 2021 for clarinet and piano. Berwick is full of birds including blackbirds, sparrows, seagulls, oystercatchers, cormorants and gannets. Until recently we even had a parakeet. However, one of my favourite birds, especially in spring, is sparrows.  In Berwick. ‘sparrows’ are known affectionately as ‘spuggies.’

Coastal Dispositions

The third suite was composed in 2021. It is scored for solo French horn and an ensemble of horns. I felt the horn, with its extensive tonal range was best capable of capturing the sea in all its moods. 


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